Stripping Off with Matt Haycox

EXCLUSIVE PODCAST: Davide Sanclimenti Exposes Ex Ekin-Su’s 'Lies' for the FINAL Time!

Matt Haycox

Tell us what you like or dislike about this episode!! Be honest, we don't bite!

In this no-holds-barred episode, I sit down with Love Island's Davide Sanclimenti, as he finally sets the record straight on his whirlwind relationship with ex, Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu. This is the last time Davide will address the drama, rumours, and shocking truths that have circulated since their breakup. 

Davide spills the tea on everything from their “fake proposal” to the shocking claim that Ekin-Su was in touch with her ex just before entering the Love Island villa (he has proof!). And what about those cheating allegations against Davide? He answers it all with brutal honesty, bringing the real truth to light for the very first time.

From their time in the Love Island villa to the dramatic events post-show—including “falling in love”, the infamous Ibiza incident, and a £1M robbery that may not be what it seems—Davide gives listeners an exclusive peek behind the curtain of their relationship.

He also opens up about his personal journey, including the mental health toll of fame and the reality of navigating life in the spotlight after the villa. And if you're wondering what’s next for Davide, he’s got some big plans on the horizon that you won’t want to miss! 

This episode is filled with exclusive revelations and insights that the tabloids don’t have, making it a must-listen for fans of Love Island and anyone curious about the real story behind the headlines. 

Tune in now to hear Davide’s side of the story for the very last time!

Davide Timestamps
0:00 - Intro
1:09 - Who is Davide?
3:57 - Opening a Small Business
5:17 - Going into the Villa in June
8:52 - Ekin-Su
11:05 - Post-Villa
12:56 - Was it the Relationship or something else?
15:46 - Ekin-Su's Ex Reaching Out to Davide
16:39 - When did the first break-up happen? What caused it?
19:19 - Ekin-Su's Mum
20:49 - Cheating Allegations Against Davide
23:11 - Harriet Wilson
23:43 - Getting Back Together
27:03 - Ibiza Incident and Fake Proposal
31:30 - Has Davide read the book? Has Ekin-Su Crafted a Fake Backstory?
34:07 - Planned Break Ups from Ekin-Su?
37:07 - The Balloon Incident
38:55 - Boohoo Man Contracts
40:24 - The Robbery
42:34 - Davide's Mental Health
44:26 - What does the Future hold for Davide?

Thanks for watching!



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As an entrepreneur, investor, funding expert and mentor who has been building and growing businesses for both myself and my clients for more than 20 years, my fundamental principles are suitable for all industries and businesses of all stages and size.

I’m constantly involved in funding and advising multiple business ventures and successful entrepreneurs.

My goal is to help YOU achieve YOUR financial success! I know how to spot and nurture great business opportunities and as someone who has ‘been there and got the t-shirt’ many times, overall strategies and advice are honest, tangible and grounded in reality.

Speaker 1:

David, thank you very much for joining me today. Buddy, All the way from LA LA to Dubai it's definitely a first for me and I know we're going to be talking about some very serious things for you today, what's going to be not just an exclusive talk with you, but a world exclusive for my podcast and telling the story that the public's been wanting to hear for a long time. So thank you very much for picking us to share it with.

Speaker 2:

No, you're welcome and yes, good morning for me, good evening for you. I mean, fortunately, we'll be able to do this chat from a long distance. Yes, you will see them in LA at the moment. I moved here three months ago. Yes, we're going to be talking about interesting things. Of course, I didn't want you know. I've been quiet all over these months, you know, since my breakup with my ex in January.

Speaker 2:

I mean we are in September. I genuinely wanted to avoid to have this conversation after eight months, but when I see, you know that my name has been all over. There's only so much that I can take, you know. I think everyone should be treated fairly.

Speaker 1:

Well, listen, before we get into all the I guess all the stories about Ekansu and addressing all of the rumours that you've just been talking about, now I want to go back in time to set the scene really. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people who are watching this or listening to this may know who you are lately because obviously you've been in the press quite a lot, but they may not have seen Love Island. They may not know about your background and your backstory. So I'd just like to go back to the beginning, really, and talk about. You know who is Davide, you know where did he come from and how did you get to where you are today.

Speaker 2:

I remember six years ago I was studying in Italy. I was at the university in Rome and I was studying banking and finance. I have a master's degree in banking and finance. So I said to myself you know, I'm in banking and finance, if I want to really aim high in my life, I need to be able to speak in English. And back five, six years ago I was not really confident. I actually I didn't know English back then. So I've been brave enough to move to the UK, originally just to study. So I completed my university. But you know, after uni I decided to stay in the UK.

Speaker 1:

Why did you choose England to study in the first place? I mean obviously a very brave move, given that you didn't speak much English at the time either.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to learn English. It's the only way, the only chance I have to actually learn English once and for all and, you know, probably change my future. I probably started feeling more at home in England, especially in Manchester, rather than in Italy. Yes, from Italy I probably miss my parents, my mom, my sister, my dad, but I was more feeling at home in the UK. That's why I decided to stay after uni and I started working. You know, I've done one year in a trust corporation as a financial officer, then I've done one year in a trust corporation as a financial officer, then I've done one year in a debt management industry. So as a council assistant, my goal was to be a financial analyst. So I actually have a couple of certifications as financial analyst. So I was getting you know, also in finance, real estate. And then something happened. Well, what happened happened covered a bit for everyone. Just before kovid, I opened a small business.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was giving me enough money, enough cash flow to live week by week hey, matt here just interrupting myself to say can you believe that 62 of listeners to this podcast don't actually subscribe? Now, I know you like it because you listen to it, you come back and the stats are great, but 62 of you don't actually subscribe. Now, I know you like it because you listen to it, you come back and the stats are great, but 62% of you don't actually subscribe. So make sure you subscribe, whether that's on YouTube, spotify, itunes, wherever you listen to your content or watch your content, and make sure that you never miss a future episode. What was the business?

Speaker 2:

So I was working Monday to Friday I was still working in the office and Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So on the weekend I was basically providing electric shishas in the restaurant and the nightclubs around Manchester area. So I noticed that London, any club in London, any major club in London, had electric shishas inside the nightclubs. I basically opened a limited company. I was buying these devices from France, from China, from abroad, and basically delivering in the UK.

Speaker 1:

How was that? Was it a successful business? Did you enjoy life as an entrepreneur?

Speaker 2:

Back then I was 24, 25 years old, I still had my job from Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 in an office, so it was kind of an extra side business. I was happy with that. But at the same time I was feeling like, you know, I want to be more focused on my career. I want to be a financial analyst. You know, I was living in the UK for a while. I was more confident in my English, I was single, I was actually looking for love. I mean, I could never find someone that I really liked. So I said you know why not? I done the application process and I went through it and in June so from January to June was the application process, and then in June I entered the villa.

Speaker 1:

June time you go into the villa. What was it like? Tell me about the first day. Tell me about your experience.

Speaker 2:

So June time I go into the villa. Of course I was super happy. I was just thinking about bringing the best shape that I could bring, so I was training, hard, dieting. I remember we had two weeks quarantine in the villa, so you basically spend the time you spend two weeks in a villa. Before entering the actual villa, we just had a chaperone, so someone is hired from ITB. They're just there to make you company, just so you don't become crazy because you are alone in a villa and you don't have anyone to speak with. So they put you this person and I think I had one of the best experience of my life, probably even better than the actual villa. Because imagine you are in this in small villa with just a person that is paid to be there to make your company, and then they think about everything. They bring you food, they make sure you know that you have a good time and you don't feel stressed. They take away the phone, so at the same time you know you don't have all the stress from the external world. You just think about being there. You know I was just getting sun, getting tan, watching. I watched the full Peaking Blinders.

Speaker 2:

I remember every night we were watching Me and my chaperone two episodes of Peaking Blinders. In the morning we were playing PlayStation. You know I've been lucky that he brought the PlayStation. I don't usually play video games but he brought it. I have nothing to do. I didn't have my phone. So you know, we enjoyed the some time playing the PlayStation.

Speaker 2:

And then, uh, and I was just excited to enter. You know, one of my main fear was actually my language because I said, what about I enter and the British audience doesn't get my humor? What about they don't understand my language? So this was one of my main fear not being able to arrive to the public. So for me, one of the main success from the villa has been actually the fact that people, the british people, the british audience, loved my values of my characters, who loved my humorism, because it was one of my main fear when I entered. So coming out from the villa, when I saw that I had so much love from the people and the fact that they actually loved my humor and appreciate it, it was one of the main successes from it.

Speaker 1:

I never watched the show, so you'll have to tell me how did the people in the villa react to you? I mean, did they like your humour? Did they like your attitude and outlook on life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I guess they liked, they loved my attitude, my funny side, the fact that I had always a line ready in any circumstances. But that's who I am. I mean it's not like I didn't fake it inside there, and I think that probably people appreciated that, the fact they saw a genuine person that was there actually just to have fun and to find love and and was not there for the camera, was not there to become famous, because it's actually the truth. Before going there I always said to myself you know what, of course, if I find love, I wish I find love inside the villa, but of course I'm not 100% sure until I don't go there. So for the time being I just want to go there have fun. Yes, maybe I was thinking back then. Flirt with some girls, you know, tanning, having two moms, like in Spain, like a bit of a holiday.

Speaker 1:

No, Of course. So we talk about getting close to a person. We're here today mainly to talk about Ekin Su. So tell me, when did you first meet her? Did she walk into the villa the day you walked into the villa, or did she come in on a different day? And how did you feel, what was your reaction when you first saw her?

Speaker 2:

So you know it makes me laugh already. So I walked into the villa, yes, as a bombshell by the first day. The first night I was a bit stressed, obviously. I think it's normal, and I couple up with Gemma, I think, was the only girl inside there that I fancied. I also know, though, that she was a bit young for me. I mean, she was 19 when I was 27.

Speaker 2:

So, despite the physical attraction that there was, there was not a lot of conversations.

Speaker 2:

When I saw her come to enter in the villa, I said, yes, okay, she was a nice looking girl, but you know, the world is plenty or the world is full of good looking girls. I remember I went to one of the producers and I said I'm tired, I cannot cope with this girl. I think it was, you know, she had some drama with Jay, the one that everyone knows, the fact that when she went on the terrace she kissed Jay, and then she lied to me saying that she didn't kiss Jay. I kind of gave a chance to the relationship and I said you know what, let's try, and I'm not going to lie, of course. Over the time, you know, I started feeling something for the girl, and especially when we came out and we came in the real world, and so we've been able to go restaurants, to go holiday to, you know, to go and meet each other's parents, to go out with friends. Of course, things start changing and I start feeling love for this person and I think so.

Speaker 1:

just to interrupt, Davide, for the people who didn't see the show, how far did you and Nek and Sue get together in the show? Did you finish, you know, coupled up, or did you leave on separate times?

Speaker 2:

oh, no, yeah. Well, we won the show together. So we received a lot of votes I think around 70 from the general public vote and we won the show together. So I also I said to myself okay, let's try to give a chance to this relationship.

Speaker 1:

So when you came out of the villa, I mean, do you move in together straight away? I mean I guess you must have a lot of a lot of press and work to do. I mean, were you staying in hotels, staying in each other's house, you know, spending a lot of together time in the real world?

Speaker 2:

We moved together in the beginning of November. So I feel like September, october, that two months we kind of spend a bit, you know, a bit everywhere. So sometimes she was in Manchester at my home, sometimes we were down in London in hotels, sometimes we were traveling for some work. So yeah, the first six, seven, eight months has been a lot of work a bit everywhere around, which was nice. And I feel like when we had our trip to new york I remember she was with apolly, I was with buhuman, we were both in times square. I think, like both of us can agree on that, we both start feeling the real love from the trip in new york. So kind of after new york we kind of start feeling, uh, as a proper couple with real feeling, the real love and what time scale was that?

Speaker 1:

was New York. That was around the Christmas time, was it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, just a bit before we moved in together. So end of October was was.

Speaker 2:

New York and the beginning of November was we moved in together in a penthouse in London. You know know, something was wrong. I was not feeling happy, despite I had everything. So imagine the five years before I arrived in Manchester, I didn't even know English. I wanted to get a job in finance. And imagine five years after. You know, after I've done some working in finance, I even go on a TV show, I get famous, I have the girl love of my dreams. I have everything I wanted. I had a nice car, I had watches, I could travel whenever I want. But deep inside I was not feeling happy. So there was something wrong in that relationship that was dragging me down.

Speaker 1:

You think it was just the relationship that was causing you to feel unhappy, or just what was lacking in the relationship. There was no other holes or other parts of your life lacking that could have been leading to that.

Speaker 2:

I think it was more the fact that she tried to let me feel a bit less, let me feel unworthy as a man, you know.

Speaker 1:

What would she do? Give me an example of something that she would do to put you down or do to make you not feel like a man. I mean.

Speaker 2:

There's no specific example. That's what everyone was telling me and I think even people on Instagram realised. They were like David, how come you don't put any more out funny stuff? How come you don't show more of your personality? But I think I was not living. No, I was no well inside me and how?

Speaker 1:

how did this make you react towards ekin su? Did you start to um, I guess? Were you losing interest in the relationship? Were you starting to behave differently or badly to?

Speaker 2:

her. I think, uh, I was. No, I never wanted to do something to actually hurt her because I actually loved that person. I think after the trip to New York we started actually loving each other and we started acting as a proper, normal couple. So I was doing everything from her, I was supporting her every day, every night.

Speaker 2:

She was maybe down because something at work happened or because maybe something on the press happened, but at the same time I was not feeling the Davide as always. I was not feeling appreciated, I was not feeling respected. They probably were the most famous couple in the UK. So I always felt she had a kind of double face with me and I always felt like I was the one that was trying to promote the relationship in terms of I was trying to do the best for the relationship and she was always trying. Instead, she was caring more about herself than about the couple. So I think we were a bit in two different levels.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she can claim that she always wanted to marry me, she always wanted to have kids with me, all these things, but it's not what I was feeling at home, what has been told to me just a couple of months ago. So I don't know if you know, but I've been approached by her ex and I think that that she actually mentioned in the book and this person. The way this person speaks, I can. I can see myself in a lot of words that he says. And why I say that? Because he's basically been approaching me, saying they were together before I can went to the villa and they were still speaking before the villa, during quarantine and just after the, and I couldn't believe at the beginning, but he sent me a screenshot and proof that they were actually speaking. So by that, when I told you that I was really emotionally intelligent and I could see the truth, If they were still talking when she'd come out of the villa.

Speaker 1:

when did they actually finish speaking and what caused the end of them speaking?

Speaker 2:

So this is something actually that I don't know. I think he's also a bit scared, so he sent me some proof. Of course, he didn't send me the whole conversation, but from the proof he sent me, it seems like the two of them they were speaking before she entered the villa, so when she was in quarantine. So imagine they take the phone away from us. And when they took the phone away from me, I, you know, I sent a message to my mom. I sent a message to my friends and said you know, I love you guys, don't worry, I'll be okay, you guys can watch me on tv, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then I turn my phone off.

Speaker 1:

When she did that, according to what this guy is saying and showed me, so the two of them they were clearly speaking before, and the two of them they were clearly speaking before and the two of them they were clearly speaking after let's just go back a little bit in the story, because obviously we've just, um, I guess, started to talk about some of the book, which we'll come to soon, but, um, just going back to when you guys were first in the relationship, um, so we've got to the point where things were starting to fall apart for you. When did the first breakup happen, and what caused that?

Speaker 2:

So, if I need to be honest with you, the first breakup has been so. She was in Turkey, I was in Manchester, you know, when we are a public figure, so it could happen that some fans send something to her and say, oh, davide is doing that, and she basically writes me. Basically write me and say, oh, david, what are you doing? Some people just message me these things. I know it's just a friend, it's a friend of my friend. Basically we start arguing over that and she closed the phone.

Speaker 2:

Mate, I went mad because at least told the boyfriend, you know, reassure him. You need to kind of sympathize with him and see and understand how he's feeling. The same way, when people send things to you, I sympathize with you and try to understand how you're feeling. There was tension between us. We were also going through a very personal moment, both of us, not just her, as she proclaimed, so both of us. That doesn't mean that I was not suffering as well. So we were also going as well, our lady, towards a tough path, and the fact that you don't pick up the phone, don't give me explanation, and your mom says something like that about me on the back on the phone, on the recipe is me off. I was also having troubles with my management. You can also imagine I was dealing with personal stuff with Ekin.

Speaker 2:

I was dealing with the breakup. I was dealing with the public pressure, the press people. You know we had a lot of public pressure in that period because we were probably the most talked-up couple in the UK. You know, I'm human, I'm not a bot. So we didn't lose contact completely and after a month I couldn't. The love doesn't go away like this. I basically flew from LA to England or from LA to Turkey straight away, but basically we went to Turkey to celebrate her birthday because she wanted to be in Turkey. So, despite we were not together, I went back to Turkey to just to make sure that she was not alone at her birthday.

Speaker 1:

Basically, and did you get back together then?

Speaker 2:

After the birthday we kind of got back together so we started working on things. We probably tried to understand each other more.

Speaker 1:

I just want to go back to a couple of things just before that first breakup. How was your relationship with the mother at that point and how? Well, clearly the answer is not very good, but how would it become like that? Was she a very vocal force in Ekin Su's life? Why do you think she had a problem with you?

Speaker 2:

I didn't feel hate from the mother but, at the same time, circumstances like this when there were arguments, maybe because of both of them, their personality, probably they need to command you, they need to have the situation under control.

Speaker 1:

Why do you think the mother was like this? Do you think it was just that she was like that and she would have been like that with anybody? Or do you think she had a particular problem with you and, uh, you know, her daughter and you being together?

Speaker 2:

no, I think, uh, the fact, the fact that their ex-boyfriend wrote me and described the hackings, when the mom, uh, in the same way or kind of the same way pretty much that could describe them he let me feel, yes, I'm not the only one the fact that, if you think about it, the that was, of course, enjoying my time, uh, I, I love that person, but at the same time, I still felt young. I'm not saying that I'm an angel, think about it. For one year and a half this girl is saying that I cheated on her. There was uh, uh, what. What else did she say? There was um. What else did she say?

Speaker 1:

I don't even know, I don't listen here I don't, I don't know, but let's just, let's just let's just go back to the cheating, uh allegations for a moment, because and I don't know if the timeline was that that happened around the time of the first breakup but I believe that she found something.

Speaker 2:

What does she mean? Physically, mentally?

Speaker 1:

I believe she found some messages.

Speaker 2:

She found some explicit messages on your computer this, of course, was not nice to see on my phone, on my laptop, but that doesn't give proof that I cheated.

Speaker 1:

There's no example, but did you cheat?

Speaker 2:

As I said before, I seeked someone else's attention and I feel the fact that I seeked someone else's attention, that my guy or maybe I done some extra party more than often, it's because probably the way I was feeling in the relationship I think was a way to escape how down I was feeling the fact that I was not feeling understood by her. I was not feeling understood by my management. I was receiving a lot of accusations on the press that there was not even truth.

Speaker 1:

But when you were seeking other attention. I mean, are we talking about just texting and calling, or are we kissing? We're having sex?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I always no. She's a very jealous person, Maybe even out of a message. It was just friendly and a bit more Like. I was not even allowed to follow a girl on Instagram. Who is this girl? But listen, I work on Instagram as much as you work with Instagram. This person is just a friend. I live with you. I'm 24 hours at home with you. I you know, I do everything for you. I support you at home, Even when you come back from work. I do everything. Why you need to put me on a prison in a bubble? Oh no, don't follow this girl. Oh no, don't speak to that person. It was a lack of trust. I think it's something I was missing in our relationship, probably since the villa. She betrayed me in the villa.

Speaker 1:

I always said, despite that, I love her, but I had that one percent of me on the back of my head that I said this girl is acting with me this is probably why the moment to actually propose to her or get married to her, I wanted to actually see where our relationship was going I have, uh, one name on my notes, which is harriet wilson, which I think was someone that you were specifically accused of cheating with. I mean, is there anything you can say about that?

Speaker 2:

I mean, she's the actual. She's actually the girlfriend of one of my best name. We had something in the past. I'm not gonna lie with this girl and the thing, the fact that I had something in the past before I came with this girl. But they, my friend and this girl, they actually sit together and I, you know, I spend Christmas with them, I spend times with them. I mean, you know, sometimes people make up stories out of nothing so, um, you got back together.

Speaker 1:

If we're going going back in the town on the story, uh, how, how was that time together? And I think there was some specific incidents before you. Then you mentioned breaking up before before she went into. I forget. I forget what it's.

Speaker 2:

I mean she went to september, as soon as we get back together. Then she went to film traitors and I'd like I'd like to speak about this because I've been accused that when she was inside traitors I made the headlines. So I'm gonna tell you how happened the story, because I think people was need to also understand how things work. So from a person like me, the sky is on the spotlight. So that night I knew I was going to go out, first of all because she knew that I had to see my friends that night since weeks. So she knew that, despite that, she was going to go in traitors and film traitors. I was going to go out the night. Of course I knew that there were people out there waiting for me to fail because they knew that Ekin was going to go and film traitors.

Speaker 2:

I remember when I walked in the pub or in the restaurant there were pubs outside. In a pub or in a restaurant there were pubs outside and I said I was not with that girl, harriet. But I said to my friends. I said I don't want to, I don't want them to take a picture of me because I already know that they want to write something nasty. And I remember I have. I have phone calls on. Actually I'm going to tell you what happened. So I saw the pubs and I said to my friends I knew the manager of the restaurant and I said please let me enter from the back, because they are clearly there waiting for me. So I entered from the back. They didn't catch me at all.

Speaker 2:

Then the paparazzi what did he do? He did a picture from the bathroom. So as soon as I came out from the toilet there was a kind of bridge with full of glass mirror and he took a picture from the outside to the second floor, from the window, to just to show that I was inside the restaurant. Why this? Because the same girl, harriet, was entering the restaurant and we asked to. We were not organized in any chance, like I didn't know she was coming. She didn't know she was coming, she didn't know I was there but the pups once. So both of us. They took a picture of her. They took a picture of me from the windows automatically in the newspaper oh, david and his party with harry harry. Of course. I felt sorry and I remember after that I even made a story and I say wow, wow, this is actually disgusting. I think I went viral now that, wow, this is actually disgusting. I think I went viral about that.

Speaker 2:

Wow, wow, wow, this is actually disgusting because, I actually the last things I wanted is Ekin coming out from the show and see me making the headline from Harriet. That was something that I couldn't control. It was something that you know. I went there because I'm free to do whatever I want. I'm a 29-year-old boy. Boy and he knew I was going to go out to the restaurant with my friends. So I go to the restaurant with my friends. If that person is coming to the restaurant as well, I cannot control it. If someone takes a picture of her, a picture of me, then we are not even close. I was in the toilet in the window, from the window, and she was at the door at the entrance. But they say we are in the same restaurant partying together. Out of what? Out of what? We understand what I'm coming from. I was kind of start feeling tired of it, you know.

Speaker 1:

Tell me about a couple of the other incidents where I guess there's been two very different sides to the story you know that Ekin Su has written about in the book. I believe there was the Ibiza incident and there's also the story about where, where you were proposing to uh well, we'll make it making joke content, and the mother got involved again yeah I think I think this is actually a joke.

Speaker 2:

So we were just to give you the scenery. We were in the last christmas. We were in rome, we were in in Italy, so we decided to spend Christmas all together in Rome, you know. So you know, my mom was cooking for days, you know how Italian moms are especially Christmas time pasta, everything you know my mom was cooking.

Speaker 2:

We I always really. I wanted to let them feel welcomed and they are. They came like on the 22, 23 of December so we spent a few days of Christmas together. Boxing day we decide to go home because of course you don't show the colosseum to the mom and the brother that they never saw. So we go home, we, we start taking contents in front of the colosseum with some pictures, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

As soon as we, we keep walking around the colosseum, I, literally, as as well as I'm speaking to you, I turn to to my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend back then and I tell her hey, baby, apart from all this picture, shall we do a funny content? I don't know, a funny story or a TikTok, I don't know. What can we do? Maybe we do slightly scenes that I'm proposing to you, but maybe I fall off on the floor or something funny happen, I don't know. And initially, as soon as the mom heard this of course mine was just a suggestion, a proposal that was clearly disgusting to my ex-girlfriend, but then, as soon as the mom started hearing this, she started kind of chit-chatting about me in half Turkish and English, you know, started accusing me. You know, after, imagine the situation. We were spending a lovely time Christmas together and she started acting like this to me Initially because there were also my mom and my sister there. I went for a two, three minutes walk and I left everyone there. So I just went behind the corner to calm one second myself. I come back. She was still chatting about me and it's always the same. You know, everyone has a limit. I always feel like you know the, you see the, the biggest anger of a person you see from someone with a good heart. In that case, I was really generally there for them, trying for for them to have a good time and having this person on the back of my hair. They're trying to interfere between me and Akin in the relationship. You know, uh, I don't think I'm the first one.

Speaker 2:

They had a situation like that with a mother-in-law, so I just, yeah, I couldn't stand there the way she was accusing me out of nothing, just out of because I proposed a funny Tik Tok or story, an Instagram story, to my girlfriend. No one, I never proposed to her. I never got on one's knees. I could swear on everything I have in my life that I could lose. As I talk now, I never got on one's knees. I never proposed to her.

Speaker 2:

Whatever she was saying is basically bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, chit-chatting half Turkish, half English. I couldn't even understand. I said basically you know what? Fuck you, fuck off. Yes, I said, but it was a consequence. It's not that I'm crazy, that I wake up in the morning and I start acting crazy in front of the Colosseum.

Speaker 2:

Since day one she entered in the villa, I saw the person she was. I'm not saying that I'm a saint, I have the victim. She was this, this and that you know, I've been quiet for eight months. We broke up in January. We are today 20th of September. I even moved to LA. I'm starting a new life. I moved on and she's still talking about me and she talked about me in Big Brothers and she talked about me in the book, in the book, and she talked about me in interviews eight months after. You know what I mean. It's really petty. And then she says someone told me she's saying, oh, she's happy, now she's moving on. If you're really happy, moved on. Don't talk about me. Move on for your life. You know what I'm trying to say. I'm really happy and I moved on so far and I'm actually if I was feeling the most miserable and depressed man next to her for two years for the way she was treating me, I actually feel good now.

Speaker 2:

But I don't want to say anything about her to you because of all the things she's been saying about me and I cannot just shut up, otherwise people think it's true.

Speaker 1:

Tell me, have you actually read the book? No, are you joking? No, I'm joking. Omitted a lot of details about her own background and you know things like her parents' divorce, and I guess you believe she's crafted a story about her background which isn't true.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not one to say that whatever she drafted in the background is not true, but because my parents are divorced as well, I can just say some things that I don't know how she can give this much time to the parents divorced and this much time to exes like me or exes or whatever I mean. The parents divorce, especially when you're young, affect a lot the life of someone and I could speak for hours and pages and I could write a book, just probably only about my parent divorce. So the only thing that I see is it's a bit of weird, like when she need to accuse someone like me, or like she talked for pages, but when is, uh, something truthful that would affect any normal person in the world? She just say, oh, I'll talk later about this, oh, I will go back later about this, but then she never go back there. This is why I mean I I lived away two years.

Speaker 2:

I know I. Just I know the. You know I. I don't do bad to people. I just wait for the universe to do bad to them and I know the sooner or later she will understand you.

Speaker 1:

You cannot live like this she claims that when she wrote the book, it was a very therapeutic experience.

Speaker 2:

What do you say?

Speaker 1:

about that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she also claimed that she started writing the book after we broke up, which is bullshit. Well, she was talking with someone an actual writer and the writer was writing, and the idea was as soon maybe two months after we came out from the show, so I was actually next to her. I was in the other room when she was talking to the writer and saying things that was going to be on the book, so I knew most of it even before she even announced that she was going to have a book. I knew most of the book because I was next to her. The only part that I was missing is the part about me, because, of course, if we were together, she was going to avoid that.

Speaker 1:

You've said before that you believe she's got a very convenient timing with breaking up with people. You know she breaks up with you Before going into Love Island. She breaks up with you before going on to Traitors. Do you believe that there was maybe some pre-planning in breaking up again so that she could release the book?

Speaker 2:

So after the argument with the mum and everyone, I told her you know what, come in the hotel room, face me, let's talk. Then, if you want to leave, leave. At least let's talk. We both are 30 years old. She refused in brackets. Why she refused? Because the mum was next to her. So she refused the morning after I told her listen, I'm not going to the alps in italy and bringing all your stuff with me, so if you are not coming, I'm gonna leave your stuff at the reception. Because she ignored me, I leave her stuff at the reception. At that point she wake up. She's like oh no, what are you doing? Blah, blah, blah. I blah, blah, blah blah. I said listen, I'm a man of word. Last night I've been waiting all day, all night, for you to come in the room and talk and then take your decision. If you want to go and sleep with your mom and brother, go and sleep with your mom and brother, but at least face me. And she refused. So the morning I put of italy to ski. If you want, I'll see you there. So she flew back to london, left her mom and brother there and then came back to the ski holiday.

Speaker 2:

We spent one week in ski, she can say whatever for me was done, blah, blah, blah. The truth is there, she, and I'm gonna show you she. She was acting globally. And uh, five days after we come back to eng. How can you do something like this? It's basically I had a surprise with roses, balloons, petals of roses around the room. How can you do something like that if deep inside you was actually finished? Five days after? So 5th of January-ish, we come back to England. I go out to Manchester as soon as we separate.

Speaker 2:

I remember the scene was like a film scene. Right now, there was the Mercedes B-Class waiting for me under a house. She comes out from the door. Maybe give me another kiss. Blah, blah, blah. It was a film scene two of us kissing me, jumping on the car and leaving for Manchester. After that, the drama. I don't even remember how we started arguing there was something wrong in Davide back then, even the way I was acting.

Speaker 2:

You know, partying every week I'm in LA since May now it's September I probably went out having a drink once. You know, for I'm 29. For 15 years of my life I've been training in the gym, swimming, running, always caring about my wellness, my health, and you know I'm not going to lie. Yes, the last year in England I've been partying quite often, but I think there was a way to escape the reality or a way to escape a situation at home that was not making me feel comfortable and happy. I don't remember who said that, but there was someone that said that the worst period is being at home. How was that? There was someone that said that the worst period is on is being, uh, you know, at home. How was that quote? I was feeling in prison.

Speaker 1:

I was feeling, you know, not be able to, to love myself so just um, just moving on from ekin su for a little, for a little bit as well, because it's not been a a good year for you for for many reasons. I mean, you've not just had the issues with ekin, you know, back in apr. Back in April there was the issues where you were caught on camera preparing a balloon. You've also been robbed recently as well, which has been in the press, I guess. Just talking about both of those incidents separately, let's just go back to the April thing, when you lost your man deal as well.

Speaker 2:

I feel like in April it's been a bit of bad luck. Yes, I was not around two good people in terms of people say, tell me who the five people more close around you are and I'll tell you who you are. So I feel like I was around no very good people. The baby put myself in wrong circumstances, put myself in wrong circumstances, put myself in the wrong environment and because I was having already a bad time at home, a bad time with my relationship and everything, I was probably a bit weak and vulnerable. I was not strong enough to remove myself from some circumstances. So my error back in April had just been being in the wrong place in the wrong time, because I was actually not doing nothing myself, but of course I was not in a nice environment around, but I never. I was not doing nothing myself balloons or whatsoever.

Speaker 2:

The press tried to claim. Of course, if the right Davide is doing his barons, he's going to make more clicks than Davide is in a party, but he's not touching nothing. No, I mean, it's clickbait. So I've been sad.

Speaker 1:

How did you feel when you lost the Boohoo man contract? Did you feel that that was not fair?

Speaker 2:

So to be honest with you this is something I want to clear up Boohoo man I never lost for the balloons. The contract with Boohoo man ended in November or December, so two, three months before and they were proposing a fee to me that I didn't want to agree. So we didn't have any contract and I have all the proof to show that. That the contract that in November I lost the Cymax yes, Cymax. So I was a face of brand for a fitness brand. So I kind of understand them.

Speaker 2:

The only things that I didn't understand them is that on our contract there was written that in cases a circumstance like this was going to happen, they had to give me 10 days to at least say my side of the story. And they didn't allow me that. So I could have gone back to them and say listen, according to the contract, you didn't give me 10 days. Yes, I had these things in my hand, but clearly it doesn't show me doing it. So you're actually in fault to closing the contract with me, but I didn't do that because I'm the kind of person that they want to close. Close, we move on. Another door open. I don't chase anymore anyone in life and I think you know why? I removed everything from my Instagram bio, and so the journalist thought okay, he lost everything. And no, the actually only only things I lost after that thing was the Symax collaboration.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about the robbery that happened recently as well. That's probably one of the latest things that's been in the press about yourself. How did that happen?

Speaker 2:

So the robbery has been actually bad Me and the person that I'm living now with. They took nearly more than $1 million in goods, you know, bags, cash, watches. They took all the safe. We believe there was an inside job because we moved in this house, in this new house, so we started renting a new house. Well, it was a villa and we entered this house on tuesday and these people entered on sunday and I feel like I moved personally my watch and my cash on saturday night and on sunday morning I'm putting them in the safe and even the other person that I'm living with move all the stuff bags and everything on the friday. So we believe it's an inside job, because how can people know that both of us moved the stuff on the weekend in that house? If it was someone that was just following me, because maybe I'm a celebrity, they will feel like, okay, maybe there is some stuff in the apartment of Davide in West Hollywood. Or if there was a person that was just following me, but the fact that they were so sure to enter, go in the changing room, find all the stuff clearly showed there could be an inside job.

Speaker 2:

We hired a personal detective. We've done our research, but you know, sometimes law is hard. So even if we had some suspects, we actually cannot say, okay, it's that person, we have some suspects, so we had some suspects, but there's not much you can do. I feel like. You know, police here in LA is a bit like in Italy. It's not like in Dubai. So I'm just now trying to focus on work it is what it is On everything material, sooner or later I'm going to go away.

Speaker 2:

If it's a nice car, in 10 years it's going to be not any more nice. If it's a watch, maybe in 10 years I'll give it to my son. So I still don't have it. So of course it's hurtful, but it's material things. If we die tomorrow, we don't have any way.

Speaker 2:

So where has your mental health been over over the last year? I mean, there's been some very obviously some very stressful occasions, some very dark moments. You know how have you been coping? I think the worst moment, the worst, worst moment, was back with the first breakup. I remember, uh, because, yes, we had a personal circumstance with that King. We, I, I had a lot going on in the press, on the Instagram, on social it's. You know, social media are beautiful until everything goes good. But when you start receiving harassment, hate, heartful comments, they become a nightmare. And I think the worst moment for me was the first breakup. And also this explains why in Ibiza I probably had not the best of my behavior. But imagine a 20-year guy that he's having a nightmar on the press. He's having a personal circumstance with ex-girlfriend. They broke up with the ex-girlfriend. They all they a lot receive a lot of harassment and and hate on socials.

Speaker 2:

You know I go a bit. I do three days of work like no drinking and nothing. You know, the last day, as soon as work is done, I want a bit to liberate myself as well. You know, and I had a few drinks. I mean I'll be some 27. You know, yes, I didn't act at the best of my occasion, but the way people try to picture me after that is kind of bad. It's's pretty embarrassing, like make yourself alive and the men will never go out there and try to drag the men out, as I will never. You know, I never went out and tried to say things around her. I mean I'm doing now because it's also time that I try to defend myself. It doesn't seem a behavior of a person they actually love. I find myself. It doesn't seem a behaviour of a person that I actually love. Then I leave other people, you know, the chance to make their own conclusions.

Speaker 1:

Let's finish this on a positive note. Then, Obviously, you're in LA now. Like you say, you're looking forwards and upwards, Despite these dark days. You know the breakups, the robberies. You're studying acting. I mean, I don't know if you're planning on being in la for a long time, but you know what does the future hold for david. You know where are you going to be in 12 months. Are there some more girls on the scene? What's the future?

Speaker 2:

so the future.

Speaker 2:

I will say yes, I moved to. La is ready now three, four months and I need to be honest, I love this year. Of course I still would like to come back in england at some point because for me, as I said, sometimes I feel more home in england than in italy. You know, in manchester for me, you know I have friends, it's like a family for me and I feel more at home there. So for sure I would like to go back in england very soon, but for the time being I'm happy in la. You know the weather is I'm not going to lie, you can understand me, because you moved to Dubai the weather is better.

Speaker 2:

There are a lot of opportunities Also for the industry. I'm now in it's entertainment. There are a lot of prospects. Plus it's good for real estate, for everything I do. It's amazing here. Plus, I feel like for the next few months, for sure I will be here. I for sure I'm gonna be here for the next few months, but I want to. I want to come back in england at some point. I mean I will always be in a bit back and forward between here, england, sometimes to buy as well. It depends where the business bring me and what is the current business?

Speaker 1:

what contracts have you got what? What income have you got? Uh, you know what what's? Uh, I know you're studying for the act.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in the last three months I, you know, after the thing that happened with the simax, I decided to take a break. I mean, I had enough investment, I'm gonna be honest. I had enough investment money aside that would allow me to to keep living and to take a break. So I genuinely wanted to focus my whole, uh, this summer time on the acting school and that's why I just wanted to do that. Now, from September moving forward to Christmas, I'm actually working on a project. I don't want to say much yet, but I am working on something, you know, to show people probably my personality more. Let's say like that I know people love. You know my personality, my values, my humorism, so I'm trying to work something out to show them this more, because it's what they want, I know.

Speaker 1:

Well, listen, Davide. It's been a pleasure to talk to you, buddy. I really appreciate the honesty, the hard days that you've had to look back on to tell us these stories, and I appreciate you choosing us as the forum to talk about this exclusively.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, matt. It's been lovely and I'm glad we've been able to do this from a far distance. I know being a person would have been better, but we still had a lovely conversation, I'm glad. So, yeah, thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we'll have another chat soon about something else, and when you can make it over to this side of the world, I'll love to see you in Dubai.

Speaker 2:

I will do. I will do. I'll message you for sure.

Speaker 1:

Hey, matt here. Thanks for listening to Stripping Off with Matt Haycox, but did you also know I've got another podcast, no Bollocks, with Matt Haycox? Both of these are very different. If you're enjoying the deep dives with the guests that I have every week on Stripping Off, then you're going to love the quick, short business tips, strategies and tactics I give you on no Bollocks. This comes out nearly every day. Make sure you go and check it out on iTunes, spotify, youtube, wherever you listen to your content, and I'll see you in a future episode.

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